Hi, my name is Sam Kwok.
I first started my marketing career in 2016 when I realized after years of working at an office wasn’t healthy for me. My passion for photography was constantly battling with my reality. Mixing my passion with the hurdles of trying to be successful drew me to a path of anxiety and depression. For years, I’ve seen many sane and passionate people go insane when they mix pleasure with business. So I decided to go another route that allowed me to remotely work from home or while traveling and able to do photography. (Many photos on this very website were taken by me! Unless specified otherwise.)
I’ve spent thousands of dollars on courses that guaranteed my success on ecommerce. Sure, I was able to sell a few products, but that was it. What’s the point of winning a battle when the war was already lost? Quitting online business was the only thing that was on my mind.
It got to the point where I didn’t believe online business would ever work for me, which was very daunting because of the fact I knew online business is supposed to be the future. Knowing that fact, my desperation became my salvation as it pushed me to continue and not give up. I knew I had to get my mind out of the web of negativity and deceit, so before I made any more sudden and regretful moves, I learned to think positively, act positively, and just simply live positively.
I’ve read books, watched many webinars, listened to powerful speakers and have developed the tenacity to push forward towards success. I trained myself to take negativity and spin it around to positivity, which is very hard being born and raised in New York City.
I honed my skills and marginally improved my writing for the sake of being able to share my failures until I met my mentor, who is also my partner. He was able to catch onto my miseries fairly quickly because who would have thought he had been in the exact same position as I had been? That’s when the eureka moment happened!
Knowledge is power and will forever be very powerful, but too much of a good thing can lead one astray and unfocused. In order to be successful, your mind has to be set on one thing at a time until you master that thing. In this case, it was online marketing. It was time that I turned my failures into something else.
“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
I thought that everyone has a chance to shine only if you take that chance. I realized that chance for me was now. To share all the knowledge I have learned in a very direct way by creating powerful free content. Because I have spent lots of time in the past doing powerpoint, I wanted to sprinkle my own flair into the way I present this knowledge. Through fun explainer animation form, because of its easy eye catching and attention grabbing spectacle.
If you’re tired of all the bloat courses and bogus gurus out there that ask you to spend multiple thousands up front (I know I am because I was suckered into it!) and to create a great life, then I recommend you to check out some of the programs I’ve gone through. Make no mistake, these life changing programs didn't give me financial freedom. They only gave me the missing pieces of knowledge to achieve financial freedom.
If you’re one to give up at the first sign of failure… I am sorry if you felt like you wasted your time reading through this page. I do hope my story and experiences can help you change your mind.
If you’re one that likes to learn and apply the methods taught, welcome!
Let’s develop your skills. We have lots to learn together.

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