Where ‘money’ should be…
The ONLY boring aspect of your life.
Meet Sam Kwok
I first started my marketing career in 2016 when I realized after years of working at an office wasn’t healthy for me. My passion for photography was constantly battling with my reality. I didn’t want to mix my passion with the hurdles of making an income because I’ve seen sane passionate people go insane when they mix pleasure with business. I decided to go another route that allowed me to work remotely.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars on courses that guaranteed my success on ecommerce. Sure, I was able to sell a few products, but that was it. What’s the point of winning a battle when the war was already lost? Quitting was the only thing that was in my mind.
Check Out My Content
Watch my fun and engaging explainer videos that teach about the best practices of online marketing!
“In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki
The best marketing is when the marketing is done just once. Everything else is a plus. Learn what type of marketing is the best!
The proper mindset is what makes you successful. Do you think you can be successful if you can’t stay focused on the main goal? Find out how to exercise your mind.
When you’re selling a product to a customer, your interaction does not just end there. To be successful, you need to build a relationship.