Be A Marketer, Not A Salesman
A popular saying is “Work smarter and not harder.” That’s not true. To succeed, you need to do both; work smarter AND harder.
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You’re not here to sell one product and be done with the customer. You’re here to build a relationship with your customer by helping them choose the right product and interact with them with more products. Take care of your customer and continue feeding them value after the initial sale, because guess what? They’ll be warmer clients that are willing to spend more on the next product you advertise to them.
An example is:
Your customer, Sally, bought some keto recipes from you. Sure, they can cook a few meals and lose a few pounds after 2 weeks. What’s next? They’ll be tired of the recipes and will want more just to spice up the daily keto life. BOOM upsell.
So they’re cooking every meal or buying keto friendly foods, but one day, they see the best looking cake they want to try out. But wait Sally, you’ve come so far losing 5 pounds in a month. Are you sure you want to end your ketosis with that cake? Here’s your chance to sell Keto- friendly cake that is a cake replacement! BOOM upsell.
Now that Sally’s bought all your recipes and tips, what else can Sally spend their money on? Maybe Sally wants to learn how to speed up the weight loss process which means you can market Sally information about ‘Intermittent Fasting’ or ‘Proper Exercising Techniques That Shed Weight’
It’s your job as a marketer to understand your customer. Always test it out!
Hope this video helped you understand how to be a marketer and NOT a salesman! A good marketer keeps their customer happy and updated on the latest and greatest life-changing products
Click the link below to find out exactly what I used to learn how to earn an income on my own schedule as an online marketer.
I’ll see you on the next page!