Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?
Affiliate Marketing works 24/7
It’s 2022, does affiliate marketing really work?
Yes, affiliate marketing still works and it will never go away!
Affiliate marketers are paid in commissions, so the more sales they can bring to a company, the more they get paid and the company is happy.
What better way to promote products without needing to spend a ton of money upfront?
While affiliate marketing still works, it’s also getting harder to do. Search Engines and social media do not like affiliate links and are considered spam. (Potentially throwing the ban hammer to your account if abused.)
People are faced with hundreds of sales pages and product promotions every single day, and frankly, it’s getting tiring.
So out with the old methods of direct affiliate link promotion and in with the new value-feeding email list-building strategy.
You’ve got to earn the trust of your audience and give valuable information and do it well enough, you can get a sale!
I hope this helps! Follow me if you want more answers about affiliate marketing!
I’ll see you on the other side,